Tuesday, January 29, 2008


trying to live with grace. namely letting things come to their fruition without trying to force anything before it's time. letting information percolate and insight come with time. this advice does not always hold true for me. sometimes i get impatient with the process and blurb ahead with the gut instinct feeling i may have. oooops. overshot my boundaries and overcalled a friend on a perceived slight. luckily enough my friend is wise and secure enough to not react and instead choose to calmly talk over situation with me. turns out i am off base and making a story up as to what i expected situation to be. all the hurts and mistrusts i may have had in the past come back to haunt me. i need to forget these and just let go of the expectations that i may have. no one can really hurt me. feeling quite overwhelmed with dealing with the ex husband and his abuse issues. calm and peace will come with time.

communication is so important. we need to not have conversations in our heads but between hearts and minds. like discipline, communication is best when held little but often. we need to bring things up as they arise before they become issues of hurt and contention. when i can get to this point, i will let everyone know.

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