Sunday, December 30, 2007

a zing on the way out

we the willing, led by the unknowing
are doing the impossible
for the ungrateful.
we have done so much for so long
for so little.
we are now qualified to do anything
with nothing.

this made me chuckle. it seems to sum up the
modern work environment.just remember that
thoughts like these may be running through your
barista's mind. practice gratitude for all of those
who do things for you. we all need to scratch each
other's backs and realize that we are all pretty
much doing the best we can with the resources
available to us.

it seems that we are all in a hurry. why?
what do we really need to get done?
slow down and give the person in front of
you or helping you time to breathe.
we cannot operate at this non stop go go go pace.

a happy 2008 to all.

Friday, December 28, 2007


thanks to all who are helping me understand and rediscover my finnish heritage. i must post the above photo of my great grandmother mila and her children. mila came to the united states via a steerage class cunard liner in the may of 1907. she spoke no english and eventually ended up marrying the man in the photo-frank alarik hill. my grandmother olga is the girl in the aqua dress.
she spoke fluent finnish and liked to have banana cream pie for dinner. i miss her so much and still dream that she is with us.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

..and here is an English translation...
I seek not power, glory or gold, I wish for the light of Heaven and peace on Earth.Let Christmas bring happiness and put us in mind of heavenly things.Neither power nor gold but peace on Earth.
May the wonder of Christmas come to both poor and rich;Into Earth's darkness bring the light of Heaven.For you I yearn, you I await, Lord of Earth and Heaven,Now bring sweet Christmas to poor and rich.
Translation by Mick Swithinbank

This is the translation for the song i posted below. heavenly sentiments that i try to remember at this time of year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

christmas happiness

this was a wonderful christmas. i attribute the success to the letting go of the expectations about how things should go. i only bought presents for the young and asked to receive no gifts. i loaded the house with food and just let the holiday happen. i had unexpected guests and also had unexpected invitations. wonderful. usually there is somewhat of a letdown on christmas day, but this year it did not occur. i've decided that the whole month of december is a time to celebrate and not to focus on the one day.