Sunday, December 30, 2007

a zing on the way out

we the willing, led by the unknowing
are doing the impossible
for the ungrateful.
we have done so much for so long
for so little.
we are now qualified to do anything
with nothing.

this made me chuckle. it seems to sum up the
modern work environment.just remember that
thoughts like these may be running through your
barista's mind. practice gratitude for all of those
who do things for you. we all need to scratch each
other's backs and realize that we are all pretty
much doing the best we can with the resources
available to us.

it seems that we are all in a hurry. why?
what do we really need to get done?
slow down and give the person in front of
you or helping you time to breathe.
we cannot operate at this non stop go go go pace.

a happy 2008 to all.

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